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  • How do I use the Automatic Rigging Tool?
    1) Download the auto_rigger folder from the home page. 2) Put the auto_rigger folder into your maya scripts folder . FOR WINDOWS C:\Users\put_your_user_here\Documents\maya\2019\scripts FOR MAC Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts (your path will be different, but it defaults to your documents folder) 3) In a python tab of the script editor run: import auto_rigger.guis.auto_rig_gui as ar;reload(ar) gui = ar.AutoRiggerGUI() gui.init_gui() 4) Follow the instructions on Tool!
  • Which types of characters does the tool support?
    Currently the tool only works with biped characters (2 arms, 2 feet, 0-5 fingers and toes, and a head)

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